Master the Art of the Frugal Lifestyle: Money-Saving Strategies, Easy Affordable Recipes, Stress-Free Meal Planning, and Family Celebrations. Spend Wisely, Live Lavishly

Category: All Things Frugal

Top Imported Items from Mexico and Canada

Top Imported Items from Mexico and Canada

What Are the Top Imported Items from Mexico and Canada and Why You Should Care As tariffs begin to impact the cost of goods from Mexico and Canada, it’s more important than ever to stay informed about which items are most likely to rise in …read more

Tariffs, Imports, and the Ongoing Impact

Tariffs, Imports, and the Ongoing Impact

How tariffs could affect your bottom line as of January 27, 2025 Here is my take on Tariffs Imports and the Ongoing Impact of Trump-Era Policies. In recent months, the economic landscape has been shaped by a mix of ongoing tariff battles, shifting trade policies, …read more

How Tariffs Impact Your Grocery Budget

How Tariffs Impact Your Grocery Budget

How Tariffs on Foreign Goods May Impact Your Grocery Budget When it comes to grocery shopping, most of us have a list of staples we can’t live without. From coffee to olive oil, these pantry essentials make their way into our carts week after week. …read more

Shrinking Cake Mixes and the Sweet Solution

Shrinking Cake Mixes and the Sweet Solution

The Case of the Amazing Shrinking Cake Mixes: The Sneaky Problem and the Sweet Solution Have you noticed something off about cake mix boxes lately? No, it’s not your imagination—they’ve been shrinking! Leading to The Incredible Shrinking Cake Mixes Not too long ago, a standard …read more

Best Healthy Foods on a Budget

Best Healthy Foods on a Budget

Can’t eat healthy on a budget? Top 8 excuses that won’t work anymore.   Happy New Year! If you’re like millions of people, you’ve just made resolutions to improve your health and finances and this means you need Healthy Foods on a Budget, right?  First …read more

Save Big on Groceries: 12 Money-Saving Tips

Save Big on Groceries: 12 Money-Saving Tips

        Prices are going through the roof and the struggle to keep food on the table is real! Why do you need to Save Big on Groceries with these 12 Money-Saving Tips? Because every penny we can save on food costs makes …read more

Stop Wasting Food & Money in 5 Easy Steps

Stop Wasting Food & Money in 5 Easy Steps

    Waste not, want not: stop wasting food with these 5 easy steps It’s happening in refrigerators across America. Can you feel it?  Lifeless lettuce, moldy muffins, squishy squash and festering fruit – all headed toward the trash. we need to stop wasting food! …read more

How to Break the Restaurant Habit

How to Break the Restaurant Habit

  How to Break the Restaurant Habit and Save Money We gotta eat! That’s a fact. But how we handle this expense can make the difference between money in the bank or drowning in debt. If you find yourself spending too much money at restaurants, …read more

Your debt free holiday season starts now!

Your debt free holiday season starts now!

  The Holiday Season is fast approaching and with it comes all the gift giving, the parties, travel hither and yon, decorating the inside and out of your house, and other assorted hoopla just waiting to derail your finances.    As tempting as may be …read more

A Cheat Sheet for S-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g Meat

A Cheat Sheet for S-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g Meat

  A Cheat Sheet for Stretching Meat AKA – How to serve less meat to your “meat and potatoes” family. It’s a fact – the cost of meat is skyrocketing and the frustrating question everyone is asking is –  “How can I possibly save money …read more

Are We Wasting Our Money Buying Organic?

Are We Wasting Our Money Buying Organic?

  I was buying produce last week trying to decide between buying organic tomatoes and paying the mortgage. It made me wonder, are we wasting money buying organic?   Food is expensive. Period.  But buying organic food is astronomically expensive.   If you can afford …read more

9 back to school tips every parent should know

9 back to school tips every parent should know

  Back to school already? Noooooo! Say it ain’t so! Here are 9 back to school tips every parent should know.    But wait . . . Didn’t school used to start in September? I am that old.    Summer break is nearly over so …read more